2 fins from
el torpe have broken off. The first one last week probably from scraping on the bottom of the beach coming into shore. I don't know how the second one broke.
We're going to head towards the the center of town tomorrow. I want to rent a short board and try surfing waves more conducive to newbies. Also on the lookout for a dealer who's willing to exchange/buy
el torpo. I feel it's too big and I can't do any duck dives on it. I'll have a better idea after trying out the short board.

We've been lazing big time on the beaches, reading and surfing. This book on channelling, which I've already finished and come back to now and again, is very interesting. The author, Lita De Alberdi, holds workshops in Somerset, London where she helps people channel guides who help in their personal growth. She says these guides only connect with you when you ask them to. So I tried it a couple of days ago. I started off with about 30 minutes of my usual meditation, and requested to connect to the highest possible guide (as coached from the book). Almost immediately I felt tingly sensations and heaviness in my head. It was not unpleasant. Now these sensations are not completely new to me as vipassana is all about being equanimous to pleasurable and aversive sensations all over the body. The contrast however, was that it was centered wholly in my head, around the prefrontal cortex. Then there was the perception of a blue-ish conglomeration in the blackness of the insides of my eyelid. I curbed the impulse to intellectualize it and just observed it as it was. Tell you what, apart from watching this strange blue 'quality,' there was a part of my brain that was frantic with the yearning to 'grasp' this mysterious phenomena. Soon, the quietness of the casita (Amber is usually on the computer when I meditate) was infiltrated by sightly muffled row being made mainly from the male of the couple living next door. I was quite disappointed by the interruption and after 10 or so minutes of the argument not dissipating, I ended my meditation as gently as possible.
The book is filled with many interesting outlooks and anecdotes of people who have "connected." I recall mum sharing an experience that she had on stage in front of an audience. Overcome with stage-fright, she committed to God that she be used as an instrument for His words, and that subsequently she felt something take her over and delivered a pretty impressive oration. I also thought about Ramtha, who is a self-proclaimed channeler herself, and of whom inspired me to purchase this book in the first place. I thought also about my recent visit to the vipassana practicing Michael Beckwith's Agape Church (Michael, not the church) in Los Angeles and how his style of preaching seemed to surge so fluidly from his mouth. Could he too be channelling from a higher source? I felt hopeful and inflamed to know and experience more!
The guided meditations provided from the book are not particularly different from how I've become accustomed. It warns to refrain from grasping. When I try to look for a particular experience, I'm not meditating. I need to give up grasping for experiences, so I can experience. When I get my ego (personality) out of the way, I create the open space to channel.
Moving on.. Amber and I were at the beach this afternoon and we saw this MONSTER of a hermit crab. It almost swallowed me whole!
Also we've learnt to bring fruit along with us to the beach. We like to spend hours being by the waves and in the sun reading and occasionally jumping into the ocean. Mango by the sea. Mmm, almost beats chilled watermelon at mid-day!
Amber looks really good in her new bikini, I reckon. Check out her backside in this one! (Don't take too long though)