Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So OVER Venice.

It's 7pm and we've parked ourselves in a diner just across the river from San Lucia train station where we depart for Berlin at 10:51pm. I've been seething over most of the day and am absolutely OVER Venice. It's a tourist trap, and since we checked out of our hotel (Agli Artisti), I've felt like I've copious amounts of money for very unsatisfactory foods and services. A meal costs us approximately NZ$60, and finding the restaurant alone requires strenuous effort. Everywhere, all I sense are people wanting to get as much money from you as they can. From the waiters to the beggars to the humanitarian aid workers who ambush you on the street. I won't miss Venice.

On the bright side, yesterday we opportunely decided to take the water bus to the island of Lido where the beach was. We rented a fun tandem-like bicycle and explored the several beaches that lined the far side of the island. Lido was much less saturated with tourists and we spent a splendid day on the beaches and shopping in the small town. Only once were we asked to leave a private beach. Apparently, lots of beaches are privately owned and visitors are required to rent a deck chair/umbrella to use them. What commercial bullshit - in my seething, indignant opinion.  

Ready to leave, prepared not to return.

Strange tandem bicycle we rented for a day on Lido Island.

Roaming through one of many typical Venetian "calle's" (streets).

Standing on bridge in Venice.

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