Thursday, February 4, 2010


Feeling unsure about whether to write tonight or not. Perhaps not having any photos to display is a reason. Still don't know what we're going to do with the camera so I guess this is good time to be non-attached to the circumstances.

We met an unusual 22 year old girl named Sapphire last night after I wrote my blog. She was the girl at reception of Cascada Verde, the lodge we stayed in last night. We noticed her ad on the noticed board saying that she was offering her 'card reader' and 'crystal reading..something..' Amber had always been keen on the idea of meeting a physic/clairvoyant, so we decided to ask her for a meeting (at US$7). I wonder what you're thinking now mum! read on..

So we sat down and she asked us what kind of reading we would like. She had 2 decks of cards. 'Ascended Masters' and 'Arch Angels'. But before the reading she talked a little about her background. She is a skinny english girl and wears a huge ornamental necklace and explains that she has been collecting trinklets from all the different countries she's visited - 42, if I recall correctly. There are too many to look at and it looks very heavy around her fragile frame but she doesn't seem to mind it. In fact, she looks so comfortable wearing it, I wonder if she ever takes it off! She also has many rings and bracelets on both hands and arms. Even though she seems a little strange at first, I feel she's authentic. I'm interested in observing her closer and to hear what she has to say. She explains that ever since she can remember, she's always naturally seen through people's exterior and looked directly at their "auras", whatever that means. The first thing she always notices is/are the color/colors of their auras - judgment, love..etc.. something to that effect. Her father was a medium of some sort and wanted her to go to "Steiner school". She went to private. But anyway, I digress.

Amber is asked to shuffle the deck of Arch Angel cards and to split it 3 times (past, present, future) and lay it face up on the table. She gets 'priorities, taking control (had Moses splitting the sea as the accompanying illustration) and freedom (for future). Then she went into some blurb about Amber's personality and how it related to the cards. It was all very intriguing and we did feel that she was able to 'see' some things about us that caught me by surprise. Amber and I had just had came from conflict from the day before and had made up that very morning. She seemed to know that we had just experienced conflict and explained that it was going to be fine and at times when either of us were in confusion and unsure about anything, that it was all going to end perfect. Something like that, which was re-assuring. I felt she gave us a space to breathe a sigh of relieve and feel that everything was going to be alright. Wow. I observed this: You could be cynical about 'clairvoyants' (and I am a tad) but I felt at that moment a sense of healing, even though I was still trying to figure out how the 'card system' worked. I made a conscious decision right then to let go of trying to figure it out and just 'be'. What ever was happening was happening without me doing anything. I didn't want to hinder the process.

Amber shuffled and dealt Ascended Masters next. She go Archangel Jemeliel and Archangel Metatron. These are the guides that are with Amber the most. Basically, Ambers has a natural gift with children, and when she 'sees' that connection with that child, it's when she's at her best. Something like that. She also likes to help people and the guide Jemeliel was her closest helper for that - so I think you call on that angel if you want help related to that.

I was next, and she tells me right off the bat that I should cut the deck only once. She says I would read into the cards (if I split it 3 times: Past, present, future) too much. I split it once and get 'Drink more water' (illustration of Oshuro, and African Shaman of some sort) and the other card of a chinese goddess sitting on a cloud with 'purification' as accompanying word. She sees that I have many healing guides around me and that I should work with water. Drink lots of water, play with water, work with water. She says water is a spiritual resources and mentions a japanese scientist, Dr He studied monks meditating love and compassion upon a target pool of water, and compared it water attained from other places, looked at the microscopic measure of water and noticed massive changes and its 'purity'. The 'ugly' water turned all yellow and looked all chaotic while the 'love and compassion' water looked pristine and beautiful. I recall this from watching a documentary - 'What the Bleep'. The human body is composed of over 90% water. So we can apparently control the kind of substance we're made of. I digress again.

So my other card was 'purification', and she thinks that this is what I should be working towards towards. Straight away I think of Vipassana, which in its essence is 'purifying the mind'. We don't speak about Vipassana though, and she doesn't say a lot about how I can go about being "purified." She says that it is important to get it sorted though as it will allow more flow of my "healing guides" to work through me. "Psychic surgery.. I can see you doing that in the future. Yes, even in the next 10 years." Holy crap, far out. I don't know what to think. I'll leave it there. She says she feels I'm very fortunate to have so many healer guides assigned to me. She says for her she can only bless people with her thoughts and intentions, but I could actually do it physically.. like put my hand in someone and take out a tumor?? .... How does one be open to that??

We end the session shortly after and its taken about an hour (there was a blackout mid way through our session as well, maybe her spirit guides had to take a break?). She said she really enjoyed that session and said just US$5 for the both of us.

I wikipedia-ed 'psychic surgery' later that night. wtf.

1 comment:

  1. Ern that is brilliant. I love it. you make me wanna go to Costa Rica and meet his lady. i'd even spend 3 hours talking about every trinket and where she got em. so many brilliant stories.

    Anyhow, i can totally see you doing healing stuff. psychic surgery is a bit far out though. google "quantum touch", its a healing modality that seems interesting. if you;d like, i'd even take it with you if it was offered when you were here in Singapore.

    If you are reading lots, then i'd also receommend "Biology of Belief" by bruce lipton. scientific take onhow our minds and belief actually can change our very molecules
