Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Last day in Monteverde.

Today is our last day in Monteverde. I have arranged for a shuttle to pick us up in front of La Colina Lodge tomorrow morning at 0730hrs to take us to Surf Casitas in Santa Teresa. The trip will take appriximately 6 hours. Amber and I are looking forward to it! I promise myself (and Amber) that I will catch a "green wave" by the time we leave Costa Rica. I have lots of practice to do.

I am learning from Louis Fischer's biography of Gandhi. I'm about 4/5ths of the way through that monster of a book and I'm not sure if I'll finish it by bedtime. A lot of book is really about the history of India (and at the beginning, South Africa, where Gandhi first made his name as a successful lawyer), and the major historical events outside of India that Gandhi had participated (WW2). I find myself more absorbed when the author tells of how Gandhi lived his life daily, what he liked to read, how he treated his kids, his thoughts about what God is. The tedious unraveling of political events (and there was lot), I was not so interested in. However, the author has made the book very readable - even though I don't recall ever having had to use a dictionary so often in the reading of a book! By the way, Macbook comes with a very handy dictionary. I'd like to boast that my vocabulary of the english language has skyrocketed, but I think I've forgotten most of what those words I looked up meant. As I write this, I find myself involuntarily 'finishing' my sentences. Like making sure I don't sound un-intellible, which is all good, but Gandhi didn't 'treat' his words. He said what he thought, and when he said something wrong or unclear, he'd simply correct it with the next utterance. He was free to always say what he wanted. He dwelled in the truth moment by moment, not clinging to any dogma or belief. He was free, and that is very inspiring. He certainly did not walk on water, but he undeniably performed miracles.

The yogi's house in Mal Pais has not turned out in our favor. He had offered it to us at a very attractive price, but Amber and I have found his communications dubious and peculiar. I have found myself anxiously brooding over it. Yesterday, his previous tenant emailed forewarning me about his unconscionable behavior as her landlord which has just now led me decide permanently to cut off ongoing communication with him. The Snowdon of last week would have willingly provided you with explicitly lurid details of this episode, but I've taken on Amber's opinion of me tending to "not be very tactful" about how I can express myself. I wrote the email articulating my conclusion all the time present to being loving and compassionate. Just like Gandhi! (If I'm being honest, it's going to take a lot more practice.)

It's 3:28pm. I told Amber I'd meet her at the libreria at 3:30pm, so I'm detaching myself from making this blog entry perfect and posting it now.

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