Saturday, April 10, 2010

East coast agenda.

I remember surveying the spaces, corners and edges of what felt like the living room of a new house/apartment I am buying. I liked its earthy interior color and meandered through its several clean, empty rooms. There were two entrances/exits. One was clearly the front door, and the other one on the right led out to an open green lawn. It was stretched along the side of the house and led to an even larger lawn which I envisioned could be used for car parking. Next I was outside the front door closing the drab aluminum gate to create more space around me. My apartment is on the ground floor and there is a stair well leading up to more apartments with the same designed entrance. 

Dreammoods interpretations:
New house -To see a new house in your dream, indicates that you are taking on a new identify and developing new strengths. You are trying to be more emotionally mature about things.
Green lawnTo see a green lawn, represents hope, pleasure, and well-being.� You are in control and making steady and smooth progress.

I have spent the last couple of days planning our itinerary in New York, and am well pleased.  
25th April, Sunday - Arrive JFK 0230hrs, Paul's house in Brooklyn. Reserved 7-day rental car.
26th April, Monday - Leave for Washington DC, stopping in Philadelphia. Spend night in DC
27th April, Tuesday - Leave for North Carolina, visit with auntie Glenna and Juergen.
29th/30th April - Leave for Hampton, visit with DOCTOR Melissa Yang ;)
2nd April, sunday - Rental car due back 8pm, and NYC adventure begins. 

I am looking forward to experiencing the big city again. It's been 3 months, and I am eager to observe my sentiments moving into a metropolis. I surfed the web for some gyms in Manhattan I could go to and was blown away by what New York has to offer. Les Mills Extreme and Exodus Gym, eat your heart out!

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