Friday, April 2, 2010

Muay thai and exploding eyeballs.

Dream recall:
I was watching two men fight it out in a ring muay thai/kickboxing style. One was shorter than the other, stockier, heavyset. He looked like the more comfortable of the 2. The other fighter was taller, leaner and younger. This one seemed more on edge and less experienced. In my dream I think I labelled the stocky guy "Champion," just cos he looked more like one.

They fought for a bit and both were doing quite well land solid punches and kicks. Soon, Champion got one really good hit in, then two. His opponent fell to the floor, lying face up, grimacing in pain. I (or maybe 'we,' as I think I felt I wasn't watching this fight alone, as if Amber was watching it with me) watched him in agony on the floor and noticed his eyes starting to bulge. At first it was only small protrusion from both eyes, but the swelling started to escalate. It reminded me of a scene in Total Recall starring Arnold Schwarzenegger when a bad guy got thrown out into the atmosphere of Mars and his eyes bulged and popped out. This was like that for the downed fighter and watching this made me cringe. I also felt concern for the person watching with me (Amber?) as this was a pretty traumatic sight to see! His eyes kept bulging and increasing in length until it was fully stretched from his eye sockets causing the whiteness to reach almost maximum transparency. Then both eyeballs burst!

Next I saw the fighter's head/face on the floor facing up in a state of decomposition. It was a mess and I could not make out any facial structure. The head seemed to be deflating slightly and discharging puss.

Then I watched the same fighter do the after-fight interview. He's got his eyeballs back! He looks different. Emotionally deflated and dweeb-like but not deplorable. he expressed how he feels disappointed that he has lost the match after all the practice he had put into leading up to it. His voice was high pitched and I thought the last place he should be in is a boxing ring! He was like a nerd that had trained his body hard to fight. 

Researched dream entities:
Eyes - To dream that your eyes are injured or closed, suggests your refusal to see the truth about something or the avoidance of intimacy. You may be expressing feelings of hurt, pain or sympathy.
Fighting - To see others fighting in your dream, suggests that you are unwilling to acknowledge your own problems and turmoil. You are not taking any responsibility or initiative in trying to resolve issues in your waking life. 

Attempted interpretation:
I can see in my relationship with Amber that there are areas in which I am not willing to take an active role in healing. These areas are issues I've experienced in past intimate relationships and accept that these short comings are solely my individual issues. I accepted with slight repulsion to Amber's impressions the other day that I might be slightly "sexist." In retrospect, the way I reacted to her confronting the issue was one of evasiveness, behavior reminiscent to my interpretation of the dream.

I saw myself in the beat down fighter - committed to regular meditation and study (reading) and achieving a certain level of aptitude. However when it came down to really what mattered, (ie. the fight), it isn't enough. Dream moods convincingly suggests the symbolism of 'damaged eyes' as the avoidance to see truth about something or avoiding of intimacy. And I took the words expressed in the post-fight interview to mean that it didn't matter how much I read, or meditate - If I didn't use this knowledge and insight actively in life, then inevitably I would lose the fight.

Perceptive observations:
I remember that I was aware enough to remind myself (in my dream/sleep state) to remember the details of this dream for my waking state. So much so that after the dream had ended, I was able to go back into the dream and bring into memory the most provoking images. I am not certain if in this state I am awake, or aware in my sleeping state.

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